Diego Leoni


Diego Leoni is a physiotherapist working in clinical, research and education. He graduated in 2001 with a Bachelor’s degree in Physiotherapy at the Brescia University (Italy), and after that, he specialized in musculoskeletal rehabilitation. In 2005, he completed a Master in Musculoskeletal Disorders Rehabilitation at the University of Genoa (Italy), in collaboration with the Vrije Universiteit of Brussel (Belgium). From 2008 to 2013, he taught theory and practice of manual therapy of the spine for the same Master program. In 2014, he earned a Master of Science in Physical Therapy Science at the Landquart University College Physiotherapy Thim van der Laan (Switzerland). In his daily clinical practice, in Lugano and Milano (the city where he lives), he’s taking care of ‘0-99 years old’ patients with neuro-musculoskeletal disorders (www.leoni-fisioterapia.com). Since 2010 he is a researcher at the Rehabilitation Research Laboratory of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, with a special interest in pain assessment methods, spinal manipulation techniques, trigger point therapy and neurodynamics. He presented the results of his researches at different national and international congresses included the 2015 WCPT World Congress in Singapore. Founder member of the Italian Physiotherapy Society (SIF), he has been a board member of the Italian Manual Therapy Group (GTM) until 2014. He started practicing dry needling in 2011 and in 2015, after the obtainment of the Dry Needling Therapist Certificate DVS®, he began collaborating with the DGSA for the dry needling courses. Besides teaching for the DGSA, he is also teaching courses on ‘nerves related pain disorders management’. He is proud to be a physiotherapist, one of the most beautiful jobs in the world!