Ismail Bouzekraoui Alaoui


Ismail BOUZEKRAOUI ALAOUI is a highly accomplished Sport Physical Therapist from Morocco with a wealth of experience dating back to more than 11 years. He is also a certified Dry Needling therapist. Currently serving as a clinician in performance and exercise at the National Center of Sport Medicine, Ismail is renowned as a therapist in manual therapy(Mulligan…). In addition to his clinical practice, he dedicates his time to education, holding a position as a part-time lecturer at the prestigious Mohamed VI University of Health Sciences. As a testament to his commitment to advancing the field, he assumes the role of Director for the Sports Physiotherapy Diploma program at Mohamed VI University. His dedication to excellence has not gone unnoticed, as he has been recognized as a Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) expert for the North Africa region, further solidifying his standing as a leader in sports physiotherapy. Ismail's academic achievements include a Master's degree in Physiotherapy and Functional Rehabilitation from the VIC University of Barcelona. Undeterred by his impressive credentials, he continues to pursue excellence, currently enrolled in a Master's program focusing on high-level sports performance optimization. Not content with merely practicing and teaching, Ismail is an active contributor to the field. He serves as the President of the Moroccan Association of Manual Therapy and holds a pivotal role as an active member of the Moroccan Association of Sport Physiotherapy. His involvement in various interventional studies related to physical therapy and manual therapy in Morocco underscores his commitment to advancing the knowledge and practice of his profession.
It aims to operationalize a program for the development of physiotherapy in Morocco through its multiple contributions to education, clinical practice and research.