Dr. Johnson McEvoy
Johnson McEvoy is a Chartered Physiotherapist in private practice in Ireland. He graduated with a BSc in physiotherapy in 1993 from Trinity College Dublin and subsequently worked in the USA for four years. He holds a masters degree in sports physiotherapy (2004) and a doctorate from the University of St Augustine in Florida (2008). He works as head physiotherapist with Irish Amateur Boxing since 2003 and was an accredited Olympic Physiotherapist in Athens in 2004. He has a keen interest in myofascial pain and dry needling and tends to have a multimodal approach to patient care. In Ireland since 2004 he has trained over 500 physiotherapists in trigger point palpation and has recently co-authored a chapter reviewing trigger point reliability studies (2009). He is an instructor with the DGSA and has taught dry needling in Ireland since 2006.