Francis Grondin
PT, COMT, PhD-student
Francis graduated in Physiotherapy in 2010 in Bordeaux where he initially practiced and achieved several University Degrees in anatomy of the musculoskeletal system, spinal pathologies and craniofacial and cervical clinical anatomy (University of Bordeaux 2). In 2013, he moved to Reunion Island, where he actually comes from. Now he practices there in a private practice in Saint-Pierre. It mainly deals with chronic musculoskeletal pathologies. Following a Master of Science in University of Reunion in 2017, he obtained in 2018 a scholarship to develop his thesis project on chronic neck pain with Reunion University. Francis started his training in dry needling in 2017 and passed the ASD proficiency test in 2019. He teaches in the undergraduate program of the physiotherapy school in La Reunion research methodology and management of neck pain and headaches. He also obtained the certificate of orthopedic manual therapy (COMT-manual concepts) and the Mulligan practitioner certification in 2018.