Lilian Gröbli-Stocker

Lilian Gröbli-Stocker is a certified physiotherapist since 2005 (BSc, University Hospital in Zurich). Following her graduation, Lili worked in private practice focusing on sports physiotherapy and active rehabilitation, and since 2008, she has been working at the physiotherapy practice Gröbli & Gröbli in Winterthur, Switzerland, where she specializes in the treatment of myofascial pain syndrome and functional movement rehabilitation, and is especially interested in the treatment of craniomandibular and orofacial pain and dysfunctions. Since she became a physiotherapist, Lili has completed further education in Manual Trigger Point Therapy and Dry Needling, Kinetic Control muscle balance and stability training, and manual therapy according to the Kaltenborn-Evjenth and the CRAFTA Concept. Since 2008 she is a certificated Trigger Point Therapist DGSA™ and since 2009 a certified dry needling therapist DVS®. Since 2008, Lili has been an integral member of the DGSA group, and has been assisting regularly at DGSA courses of Dry Needling and Manual Trigger Point Therapy internationally. In addition, she leads the quality of practice focus groups for Manual Trigger Point Therapy and Dry Needling in Winterthur where she acts as a moderator, qualified by the Swiss Physical Therapy Association Switzerland, physioswiss. Furthermore, Lili is a board member of the Swiss Dry Needling Association (DVS).