Christian Gröbli

Christian is a certified physiotherapist since 1994 (state diploma, Schaffhausen, Switzerland). Upon completing his studies, he worked with Dr. Beat Dejung, MD in Winterthur where he was able to deepen his knowledge and practical experience in treating pain patients. Since 1999, Christian works in his private practice where he specializes in treating pain related dysfunctions. He is the CEO of the physiotherapy pratice Gröbli & Gröbli in Winterthur, Switzerland. Since 1997 Christian has been teaching courses in manual trigger point therapy and dry needling in Switzerland, Europe, Middle East, the USA and South America. Moreover, he is the co-founder and president of the David G. Simons Academy™ and has received the “Janet Travell Training Grant” from the International Myopain Society, IMS. In addition, Christian has been a guest speaker in conferences, workshops and seminars worldwide, and is the author of several publications, books, and book chapters.