Serge Ober
After studying biology at the University of Strasbourg and physiotherapy at the IFMK (Institut de Formation des Masseurs-Kinésithérapeutes) Alsace (Strasbourg), he obtained his state diploma in 1986. For 15 years he worked for national elite sports teams (handball, basketball and water polo). Desiring to improve his skills in management and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries, he continued to study manual therapy and then osteopathy and obtained his D.O. (osteopathy diploma) in Béziers (France) in 2007.
He works with two associates in his practice near Strasbourg.
Serge discovered his interest in dry needling in 2016, trained at the DGSA and graduated as a dry needling therapist ASD. He is co-founder and secretary general of the French Society of Dry Needling (SFDN).